Boat Church started when the Warwick Methodist Church and Warwick First Baptist Church traditionally joined their congregations each year for Easter Sunrise Services.

In 1997, they agreed to relocate to the marina at Smoak Bridge on Lake Blackshear. The service was well attended by land and water: everyone loved the idea of  gathering by the water for worship. While we waited to see what the Lord's plans were for "Boat Church," we used taped music, scheduled speakers, and local ministers to lead worship services. Signs and a little advertising were used to spread the word. Boats, fisherman, people from the highway and community began to come. This misunderstood church took a life of its own. No, it took on the life of the Holy Spirit.

In 1999, a new minister from Warwick UMC saw the outreach potential and he began to work with members of our church. Eventually, "Boat Church" became an official ministry of Warwick MC. The marina changed ownership and a family from Warwick MC agreed to allow their empty lot located at 480 Lakeshore Drive to be its new home.  To this day, Boat Church is held at this location each Sunday. The word of God is delivered by our pastor, Steve Purnell. We have traditional and contemporary praise music, lead by our director of music and musicians. From May through September, "Boat Church" services are held each Sunday at this location. From October through April each Sunday the services are held at Warwick MC at 199 Magnolia Street.